I like this design as I think the way the tears turn into fish gives the image more depth and makes you think about what its trying to say. The image creates a very strong emotive atmosphere as the eye crying can be related to someone with hate upsetting someone. The colours used are very dark and simple of black and white, this allows you to concentrate more on the fish acting as tears.

This design has the shock effect as once you look closer you see the butterflies and flowers are meant to be her hair, which initially sounds like fresh clean hair however due to the dark hues it makes the women’s hair look dirty and filled with rubbish. I like how Nanmi has used the space as the form of the different objects create an interesting outline against the white background. The hair also creates a sense of confusion as there is so much going on at the same time, which can relate to the feeling of confusion which you get from hatred or being confused as to why you hate something so strongly.


Namni has once again turned what is usually seen as bright and full of life into something dark and evil, as flowers are a source of life but in this design they are made to look as though they are wilting and slowly dying. Therefore Nanmi takes what is once a bright, happy object into something mysterious and dark, this conveys how hatred can take something that once seemed joyful into something evil because of the strength and power of the hate.