Agnes Cecile mainly uses the medium ink to create her designs, I think this works well in conveying the theme hate. I like this design as the man pulling from his face with the ink being drawn out creates a shocking image that isn’t pleasant, so instantaneously grabs your attention. When you look closer at the design you can see there are three faces, so adds to the depth of the piece, I like how this image creates a chilling atmosphere that blatantly conveys hate by the eeriness of it.

I think this piece works well, as it creates confusion in your head as to what the image is, as I think this design is personal to each individual. The ink overlapping adds a darkness to some areas of the piece and adds to the confusion conveying the theme hate.

The ink splattered across the womens face makes her eyes stand out, which straight away grabs your attention. The eyes stand out very clearly but creates a eery atmosphere due to the way her eyes feel like they are directly positioned on you. The womens expression looks evil which is associated with hate, therefore when you see the image hate is what springs to mind after you look past the terror part of the image.