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Monthly Archives: September 2012

Reasons to love Sport/Exercise :

This questionnaire helped me look at sport in a different way and gave me some ideas of how I could incorporate the necessity of sport into my final poster design. It also gave me a more positive outlook on sport, which I could now portray more clearly through my designs, as the questionnaire helped me to decided to focus my poster design on how you need sport in your life to feel whole. Looking at sources online as well also helped me to see the health benefits of sport and see a different positive aspect of it.


Reasons to hate TV:

This questionnaire gave me many different viewpoints of reasons why to hate TV, and helped me understand why people feel this way. Therefore I would find it easier to create a darker atmosphere for my designs now. It also helped me decide on my one clear argument against TV that I wanted to express through my design, which is how TV traps you and has resulted in people being trapped in the TV so that they don’t read anymore.

I like this design as I think the way the tears turn into fish gives the image more depth and makes you think about what its trying to say. The image creates a very strong emotive atmosphere as the eye crying can be related to someone with hate upsetting someone. The colours used are very dark and simple of black and white, this allows you to concentrate more on the fish acting as tears.

This design has the shock effect as once you look closer you see the butterflies and flowers are meant to be her hair, which initially sounds like fresh clean hair however due to the dark hues it makes the women’s hair look dirty and filled with rubbish. I like how Nanmi has used the space as the form of the different objects create an interesting outline against the white background. The hair also creates a sense of confusion as there is so much going on at the same time, which can relate to the feeling of confusion which you get from hatred or being confused as to why you hate something so strongly.


Namni has once again turned what is usually seen as bright and full of life into something dark and evil, as flowers are a source of life but in this design they are made to look as though they are wilting and slowly dying. Therefore Nanmi takes what is once a bright, happy object into something mysterious and dark, this conveys how hatred can take something that once seemed joyful into something evil because of the strength and power of the hate.

Agnes Cecile mainly uses the medium ink to create her designs, I think this works well in conveying the theme hate. I like this design as the man pulling from his face with the ink being drawn out creates a shocking image that isn’t pleasant, so instantaneously grabs your attention. When you look closer at the design you can see there are three faces, so adds to the depth of the piece, I like how this image creates a chilling atmosphere that blatantly conveys hate by the eeriness of it.

I think this piece works well, as it creates confusion in your head as to what the image is, as I think this design is personal to each individual. The ink overlapping adds a darkness to some areas of the piece and adds to the confusion conveying the theme hate.

The ink splattered across the womens face makes her eyes stand out, which straight away grabs your attention. The eyes stand out very clearly but creates a eery atmosphere due to the way her eyes feel like they are directly positioned on you. The womens expression looks evil which is associated with hate, therefore when you see the image hate is what springs to mind after you look past the terror part of the image.

Fernando instantly creates a joyful, positive atmosphere by the bright colours which take over the design and are the first thing you notice on the image, therefore you look at the designs with a positive attitude.

I think Fernando has used the space well in this design as the shape of the objects stands out more because it has been placed in the middle of the box. Fernando has used a range of colours and in this design there are lots of ways you can look at it and always see new things, therefore I think that resembles love as love has lots of different sides and you are always finding learning new things.

This design includes lettering of the word ‘SUMMER’ this automatically creates a happy mood and you associate this season with bright colours and having a good time, therefore this design resembles all those things well that many people love. I like how Fernando uses a lot of objects and puts them all together as a collage, as it feels like a summary of all the things you love in summer. Once again Fernando has used the space well, by placing all the objects in the middle which creates an interesting outline of all the objects forms together.

I like the mood Jim Flora creates by the boldness of the colours he chooses, this works well against the black or white backgrounds. I like this design in particular, as I think the objects overlapping make the design more intriguing but the opacity of them makes sure it isn’t overcomplicated. The form of the objects are curved and rounded giving a gentle approach to the image, conveying the gentleness of love.

This image when first looked at looks very busy and crowded as a lot of the space has been used, however when you look closer you see how all the shapes fit together. I think this fits in well with the theme love as love can be complicated at first but will fit together if its right. The colours used are more subtle here, which creates a relaxed atmosphere in contrast to the business of the image showing how love can be seen in different ways.

I think this design works especially well due to the black background as the bright hues contrasted make the picture look as though it was based at night and that the city/town is vibrant and noisy which are ways you could describe love.

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To create these designs I layered different textures on the image in Photoshop, I personally like the overlapping of textures as it adds depth to the design and gives you more to consider when you look at the design. This has also helped me see a new way of making pictures into a darker atmosphere so I can now find ways to alter more objects to become of a darker nature.

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The usual colours used in the artist’s love photos are bright and lively however when some of the designs are dark they use warm colours. The designs are very simple but still effectively show the theme love by the basic object of flowers shaped as a love heart for example. In some designs where dark colours are used a bright object is placed on top, this shows how love can turn something bad into something good.

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From looking at other artists pictures with the theme hate, the colours used are dark with harsh textures. To make the designs convey a negative atmosphere the artist has used objects which are associated with death such as the bullets or the skull. I like the explosion of ink from the tub of hate on one design as the technique used for the explosion of the ink creates confusion and a complicated form. In a lot of the designs objects are faded out in the corners to create an eery effect, and also makes the objects which are based on hate stand out therefore the theme hate is very overpowering in the design.

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To make these images negative I changed the lighting to much darker and took the picture from different angles than normal to create confusion and mystery. I also used the lighting to create shadows on the objects and the shadows they create, therefore creates an eery atmosphere. I changed the colours of the picture so that they were cold colours assocaited with the word hate rather than warmth.

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To create a positive picture I looked for objects that symbolised new life e.g. flower and bannanas but also objects that people love over time e.g. teddy bear and heels. I made sure the lighting was bright with the objects clearly shown and with the bannanas made them a much brighter definite colour than the background. I also tried to make the designs as basic as possible so as not to overcrowd all the space, so that the main object conveying love would be the main focus.