Reasons to love Sport/Exercise :

This questionnaire helped me look at sport in a different way and gave me some ideas of how I could incorporate the necessity of sport into my final poster design. It also gave me a more positive outlook on sport, which I could now portray more clearly through my designs, as the questionnaire helped me to decided to focus my poster design on how you need sport in your life to feel whole. Looking at sources online as well also helped me to see the health benefits of sport and see a different positive aspect of it.


Reasons to hate TV:

This questionnaire gave me many different viewpoints of reasons why to hate TV, and helped me understand why people feel this way. Therefore I would find it easier to create a darker atmosphere for my designs now. It also helped me decide on my one clear argument against TV that I wanted to express through my design, which is how TV traps you and has resulted in people being trapped in the TV so that they don’t read anymore.